
Ongoing donations will be used to support several initiatives which are underway or being planned.

This includes the revegetation of the Little Qualicum River Estuary, and fish habitat enhancement on all creeks through invasive plant removal and new plantings of trees and shrubs. We also use funds to support watershed monitoring.

If you wish to support general Streamkeeper projects, you can donate online through the Canada Helps button below.

You may also mail a cheque payable to Qualicum Beach Streamkeepers at the address noted below:

Qualicum Beach Streamkeepers Society
PO Box 414

124 W 2nd Ave
Qualicum Beach, British Columbia
V9K 1S9

You can also make a donation by E-Transfer to:

Your donation is tax-deductible. A tax receipt will be issued for all donations. Our charitable registration number is 86594 7287 RR001