
A common theme in our activities is the essential role that partnerships play in helping us achieve our mission.  We work closely with government agencies and elected officials in obtaining project permits, receiving professional advice and guidance, and allowing us access to public land.

Other non profit organizations and professionals provide technical information, research input and specialized expertise,  and complement our work with their own field activity.

Finally, we greatly appreciate many private landowners who allow access to work sites over their property and provide other financial and in kind support.

Some of our key partners are listed:

  • British Columbia Conservation Foundation (BCCF)
  • British Columbia Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy
  • D R Clough and Associates
  • Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO)
  • Guardians of the Salish Sea Estuaries (GOOSE)
  • Pacific Streamkeepers Federation (PSKF)
  • Qualicum First Nation
  • Regional District of Nanaimo (RDN)
  • Town of Qualicum Beach