
Our work as streamkeepers would not be possible without the generous support of many individuals, organizations and government agencies which provide financial assistance. 

Much of the support is directed to specific activity which relate to the donor’s own priorities and programs, but some is equally important in covering the costs of core administrative requirements such as volunteer and board insurance, financial reporting and website maintenance. 

A list of many of our donors is provided below.


Communities Protecting Our Coast (CPOC)


MacDonald Realty

McIntosh Norton Williams

Mid Vancouver Habitat Enhancement Society(MVIHES)

Mount Arrowsmith Biosphere Region Research Institute (MABRRI)

Pacific Salmon Foundation (PSF)

Regional District of Nanaimo (RDN)

The Raymond James Canada Foundation


Diane Anderson

Joanne Beaulieu

Linda Craven

Ronald Craven

Bonnie Cyre

Brian Hester

Ian Lindsay

Allan McDonald

Stefan Riches

Mark and Norman Sawers

Rebecca Temmer

In addition, major projects such as the Faye Smith Rosenblatt Pavilion were made possible with the support of an even wider range of donors, who are listed on the plaque at the pavilion entrance.