Qualicum Beach Streamkeepers



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Mission: We are dedicated to protecting and restoring local wild fish habitat.

Little Qualicum River

Little Qualicum River Estuary Conservation Area

A work party of ten volunteers spent the morning of May 11 preparing for the summer at the estuary. Two of the three remaining large exclosures were removed, since the posts were failing and the wire mesh was beginning to restrict the growth of the plantings.

The irrigation system was prepared for the summer, with all the timers installed and the irrigation pipes for several small planting renewed…more work will be needed to ensure that the irrigation water is going to the right plants.

Finally, many more blackberry plants were controlled, and several long standing apple trees were pruned of old growth to assist them to survive the coming heat.
After a cool winter and spring, plant conditions in the conservation area were good….the coming summer months will be a challenge.

Replanting at the Little Qualicum River Estuary - December 2023

A hearty group of volunteers met on the morning of December 14, 2023 to replace a dozen trees that been lost due to historic high water levels in the winter of 2022. The team removed the dead trees, deepened the holes and added fresh topsoil and fertilizer to enhance survival rates. The shore pine and fir will be monitored over the winter to see if a combination of high tides and heavy river flows once again result in saline intrusion.

As this conservation area has been classified as an archaeologically sensitive area due to its substantial use as a First Nations village prior to European settlement, a cultural monitor from the Qualicum First Nation worked with the group to ensure any artifacts found would be identified and protected.

Qualicum Beach Streamkeepers acknowledge the support and participation of the Qualicum  First Nation, the British Columbia Conservation Foundation (BCCF), and the Regional District of Nanaimo (RDN) for their assistance in the ongoing replanting on this important estuary. Financial support for the project is being provided by the Raymond James Canada Foundation.

Little Qualicum River Estuary, Phase 3 Plantings - November 2020

A group of more than thirty volunteers from the Qualicum Beach Streamkeepers Society planted over 100 native trees and shrubs at the Little Qualicum River estuary on November 7, 2020.

Work included planting fifty dune grasses along the foreshore of the estuary, and adding five more wire fenced exclosures with shore pine and native shrubs. Irrigation is being be installed to provide water in the dry summers until the plants become well established .In addition to the new plantings, volunteers removed a large patch of invasive Himalayan blackberries.

The estuary is a key part of the salmon ecosystem which has been significantly affected by human activity. Qualicum Beach Streamkeepers have played a role here since the late 1990s and started the most recent stewardship and restoration project in partnership with the BC Conservation Foundation in 2014.

The project was made possible through financial support provided by the RDN Stewardship Seed Funding Program. It was documented in photos by David Cotton and can be viewed by clicking here.

Little Qualicum River Estuary - 2018

Because of the ongoing drought conditions this summer, Streamkeepers have been watering the restorative plantings at the Little Qualicum River estuary.

Click here to see past Qualicum Beach Streamkeeper activity at Little Qualicum River Estuary from 2014-2017.

The annual Salmon Toss can be viewed here.